Textbooks & Computer Information
Laptop Computers
All students are required to have a laptop computer for personal use.
Having your own personal laptop enables you to better access legal research materials on the web, manage documents such as course notes and materials, and communicate with others easily from anywhere in the Law School complex. Having your own laptop also enhances the learning experience, allowing you to communicate effectively with your instructors and engage in legal research efficiently. Ninety-nine percent of GW Law students opt to take examinations using their laptops rather than by hand in a blue book.
Computer Requirements
All students are expected to have a laptop computer that meets the specifications for Exam4, the exam software used to administer exams. Mac users should disable automatic updates to ensure they will be compatible with current Exam4 versions.
If you have specific questions about your computer needs, you may contact the Law School IT Department at [email protected].
You do not need to worry about ordering textbooks at this time. Later this summer, you will hear from the Dean of Students Office about your course registration. Once registered, you will have the option to purchase your books from the GW Bookstore. Please note that, while unlikely, registration is subject to change up until Orientation and should be considered when deciding when to purchase any books.